Tuesday 18 November 2008

Defiance from the membership

As a result of the extraordinary publicity surrounding the leaking of the membership list, the traffic to the main BNP website has gone through the roof. Simon Bennett the BNP webmaster has had to remove BNPtv and several other features temporarily from the site to prevent it from crashing.Superb!Best publicity yet and total defiance from the membership.

One comment on Simon Darby's website read;

"Superb!Best publicity yet and total defiance from the membership".

and one from the BNP main website;

I have just joined, I paid the extra for gold to support the BNP.I have made my choice, my name is not on that list, but I am not scared of anyone knowing I have done what needed to be done to try and save this country by joining.

For those that intended to cause harm it seems the stunt has backfired in spectacular style.


Anonymous said...

my name was on the list i,am proud its on .i,m proud to be british and` doing my bit.

Anonymous said...

Mine was there as well.
I'm proud to be on the list alongside my fellow Nationalists.
